Live Show
THE LAST APPEAL is a powerful faith based drama that takes us into the world of death row where each prisoner faces insurmountable legal battles, family struggles and their own mortality. TITUS FREEMAN enters this daunting world determined to work the legal system to side-step his sentence but instead discovers a new life beyond the grave. Outside of this hopeless world is Titus’ victim’s wife TRISHA who has vowed to work the legal system to carry-out his execution. Her new-found ambition covers a dark secret that only her late husband IVAN knew about. It is not until this life altering secret is exposed that Trisha can escape a prison of her own.
THE LAST APPEAL has left thousands of audience members inspired, restored and changed. The professional cast of actors has been used by God to bring thousands of audience members towards Jesus Christ. Over the last ten years this presentation has been endorsed by the following people: Brian Head Welch (successful author & lead guitarist for Korn), Omar Gooding (Bounce TV’s FAMILY TIME), Terry Fahy (Vice President – Salem Communications, KKLA FM Radio 99.5), Sheila E (renowned drummer & pop artist), Ken Barun (Chief of Staff – Billy Graham Evangelistic Association), Darrent Grant (Director of Tyler Perry’s “Diary Of A Mad Black Woman”), Paulina Aguirre (Grammy Award winning Latin artist), John Kirby (renowned Hollywood acting coach), the late Andrae Crouch (7 time Grammy Award winner), Bishop Henry Hearns (former Mayor of Lancaster, CA).
“The Last Appeal will cut to the heart of many people who are just like I used to be; completely lost and utterly broken. It’s real and raw approach comes across very authentic and I know this film will make great impact. ”
“The Last Appeal production is life-changing. In fact, I haven’t seen a more powerful and engaging play. Before I gave my life to Christ, I was not the type of person that you could get into church. Coming to this play. I realized that if I’d seen it back then- it would have got me!””
“The Last Appeal is one of the most powerful stories of forgiveness and redemption I have ever seen. Trey Fernald has created and directed a beautiful work of art, with a cast that is only second to none. Thank you for this gift.”
“It is rare that I hold my breath during a performance. But, I found myself on the edge of my seat many times during the performance of The Last Appeal. The characters were believable and relatable, and the script was real yet unpredictable-all the elements of great theatre. Best of all, the production packs a strong spiritual punch!”